Dear Friends,
Holy week reflection 1 of 3. Betrayal Judas.
In these 3 reflections, I want to look at those who betrayed Jesus in his final hours. Let's begin with Judas.
Read John 18: 3-6.
Did Judas know what he was doing or was he a pawn in the Lord's hands.
I believe it was the former.
Judas was a freedom fighter and hoped that Jesus might overfrow the Romans by force. Instead, Jesus preaches a Gospel of love including love for enemies. Even though he had been around Jesus all that time, he could not Submit to Jesus' love.
The mob he gathered proved Judas was so angry he was prepared to betray his own principles as well. The mob consited of religious authorities and Roman soldiers the very people Judas hated most.
Jesus remains in control of himself. In saying "I Am He", he was hinting at the fact that he is God.
When God does not meet our expections, are we tempted not to submit to his love?
Loving Lord. When I feel you have let me down, help me to still trust you and submit to your love. Amen.
Rev Glen Graham