So, we have had the Euros and soon we will have the Olympics. However I have another event on my mind which you will not be aware of but it is significant in world mission terms.
From the 22nd till 28th September in Seoul, South Korea, the 4th congress of the Lausanne movement for World Evangelisation will take place. This congress will shape the way world Evangelisation will happen in the next 25 years. BMS will be watching with interest.
The first Lausanne congress took place in Lausanne in 1974 and was groundbreaking in that it shaped how Churches did Evangelism up till now. The founder, an Evangelical Anglican vicar called John Stott laid out his vision for the dream Church. His dream had 5 points:
A Biblical Church where the Bible is the rule and authority for the life of the Church.
A worshipping Church.
A caring Church.
A serving Church reaching out in Evangelism and social action.
An expectant Church where we expect to encounter God in everything we do.
I have included the full dream in a separate article because I love it so much and I want you to catch the vision of it. I unashamedly adopt this dream for me, this Church and any Church I will find myself in until I die.
Looking ahead, the way ahead group will have its first meeting before the end of July. Please pray this is creative and fruitful.
Over the next couple of months on Sundays we will have a short series called "Holidays and Holy days" and then start a series on 1 John. Our harvest celebrations will be on 22nd September including a bring and share lunch.
Whether you are working, resting or playing this summer, do it all for the glory of God.
In Christ.